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Everything posted by AdolfTallentDay01

  1. Gsche calls Hitler 'Hilter' when he goes to inform him.
  2. Hitler is informed that everything in sight is becoming pixelated.
  3. Hitler is informed that the subtitles are now backwards.
  4. "Kapitulation, niemals!" -Goebbels, during his ranting scene and "Wie muss ihr allen!" -Fegelein, after the Hitler original rant scene
  5. Video for the song "Dead Silence" by the band Billy Talent. Video from the movie "Downfall"
  6. I've felt your pain before, Hansi. I too was once a very shy and nervous person, preferring to stick to the background rather than be the center of attention. So I understand where you're coming from by not preferring to speak very often. But I, as well as the other Untergangers, will do our very best to keep you entertained with the Downfall parodies we make. Welcome to the website.
  7. Theme song of "Star Reich", a version of Star Trek set in a Downfall-inspired alternate universe, featuring the Reich Star Empire! This is Version 1 - the old version. Scenes used from ST: Enterprise, ST: Deep Space Nine Music: Mirror Universe ST: Enterprise intro from the episode, "In a Mirror, Darkly".
  8. All must pledge allegiance to the Reich Star Empire, the one rightful power of the Alpha Quadrant! HEIL!!!

  9. Admiral Hitler on the RSS Defiant defends DS9 from the Klingons and Cardassians under the command of Regent Worf on the IKS Negh'var.
  10. My question for the forum is... Who's your favorite Downfall character? Your answer can be any named character that appears in the movie, no matter how insignificant a role he/she plays in it. For me, it would have to be that cool cat of the bunker, Wilhelm Mohnke. "My Fuhrer!"
  11. Hitler is the subject of another of Fegelein's antics. This time, he's stuck on the ceiling. Other Hitler parodies are on my channel!
  12. Hitler organizes a fleet in order to take back Deep Space Nine from the Dominion. Hitler scenes from "Downfall" Star Trek scenes from the DS9 episode "Sacrifice of Angels"
  13. My favorite's this one, for sure: Hitler is informed that there are many Hitlers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0gP2oUlnOs "The Council of Hitlers believe Fegelein is guilty of this debacle."
  14. Brilliant. I think I just got some ideas for some Hitler gaming videos that I could make.
  15. Hitler phones himself in a mirror universe, with hilarious consequences.
  16. Did you know Hitler's favorite punk rock band is Billy Talent?

    1. kingDragon912


      I don't care. Everything about Hitler is written on the Wiki. You probably stole it from the wiki and put it up here. *derp*

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